2024 "More Funds-Raiser" Annual Fundraiser

Help us reach our $25,000 fundraising goal!! ***SCROLL DOWN FOR FORMS & ADDITIONAL LINKS***Our self-run fundraisers are structured to rally and incentivize our kids to work together to earn prizes while they raise money to help fund items that elevate the educational and emotional environment at Horizon. Teachers submit the requests they would like to have provided for their classroom. Many of these items would have to be paid for by our teachers as they fall outside of their $120 per year classroom budget. From musical instruments, books and furniture to games and science experiment supplies, this wide array of items helps keep our teachers engaged and our kids focused on learning. The items stay at our school from year to year as we continue to build a legacy of items not only in the classroom but on the playground. This year we are hoping to raise enough funds to cover all doors in the entrance vestibule creating enhanced security and brighten up our hallways with fun, motivational and engaging wall vinyls. Every penny of your donation will help fund these initiatives and more. Check our Facebook page for daily updates by visiting: https://www.facebook.com/smithvillehorizonpto/ Scroll to the bottom of this page for important links, additional information and more!
The price must be from $25.00 to $1,000,000.00


Family Donor Form click here.

Business Donor Form click here.


CLICK HERE to watch the video the kids will view to learn about the incentives and more!

We use every penny of your donation to fund the following objectives and more:

• Teacher Requested Classroom Learning Items

• Vinyl Wall Graphics Applied to Doors, Hallways, Bathrooms and More!

• Poster Printer for PTO & Admin Use To Help Decorate Hallways & Classrooms!

• Funding Mrs. Mellon/Johnson's Positive Behavior Incentive Programs

• Increase our Party & Hospitality Budgets for 2024/2025

• Replacement Headphones for District Aptitude Testing

Visit Facebook for daily updates by clicking: https://www.facebook.com/smithvillehorizonpto/

*** OCTOBER 7-15th 2024 ***

Nothing to sell, pick up or distribute and EVERY DOLLAR goes directly to our kids at Horizon Elementary!

Please share with family and friends!

If we raise $10,000 – ICE CREAM PARTY at Horizon for all students!

If we raise $15,000 – Prize above + INFLATABLE RECESS with three inflatables!

If we raise $20,000 – Prizes above + TWO SOCCER GOALS & RECESS WITH OUR HIGH SCHOOL SOCCER TEAMS Installed on our playground creating a mini field!

If we raise $25,000 – Prizes above + FOAM PARTY held at the end of the year! To learn more, visit:


Traveling Spirit Stick for daily highest earning class, Trophies for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place classes to display in their classroom all year long! More classroom incentives to follow as make our way to $25,000! Follow us on Facebook (Smithville Horizon PTO) for nightly updates and to follow along as we raise and distribute the funds for our school.

Questions? Contact Melissa Lallo Johnson 561-305-7008 melissa.m.lallo@gmail.com for more information.

  • Donations are 100% tax deductible
  • 100% of the funds raised STAY AT OUR SCHOOL TO BENEFIT OUR KIDS